Lets Celebrate Consanguinamory Day, April 28th

This year is historic for our community for a very special reason, it is the year that we celebrate Consanguinamory Day for the very first time! It is a day to be set aside especially to celebrate consang relationships and orientation.

The origins of this holiday are from our forum, Kindred Spirits, where we were discussing the idea of having something similar to Valentines day to call our very own. We discussed possible dates for this occasion, and then put it to the vote. While very few people actually voted, we believe that the poll did show a preference for 28th of April. The reason? Because it is symbolic of double love. Valentines day is celebrated on the 14th of the 2nd month, so we just doubled the numbers, which gives us 28th of the 4th month.

So, how do we celebrate this fine occasion? As I said, it’s very much like Valentines day, we can of course buy our loved ones the kind of things we usually would at that time, chocolates, booze and perfumes and the like, perhaps dining out, or a nice takeaway meal late at night. HOWEVER, I might make a small suggestion… if you’re going to buy flowers, how about choosing the one flower that most symbolizes our love, lillies. We are after all Friends of Lily, so it is most fitting. Even if you’re a single consang, you can still buy some lillies for the house to celebrate your sexual identity, I already did!

You know what’s even better? It’s a way to flaunt it innocently, people who are not in the know wouldn’t know what those lillies mean, they’d just think ‘oh, somebody’s gotten a nice bunch of flowers’, and might assume it’s a birthday or get well gift or something.

Finally, I’d like to wish all of you a happy Consang Day! Stay happy, stay strong, and celebrate your love in style! From this year forth, let every 28th April be celebrated in this way. It’s high time we begun celebrating something uniquely ours, and this is it!

One thought on “Lets Celebrate Consanguinamory Day, April 28th

  1. I will not object if someone wants to buy me chocolate or booze or dinner out. Don’t need the perfume, though.


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