Orientations are NOT to blame for tragedies

I’m writing this as a pre-emptive strike against those who would seek to use the Pladl tragedy as justification for condemning consang people. We all know that there are those waiting in the wing to say ‘See, this is what GSA can lead to, now do you see why incest is illegal?” As you already know, people who come out with such things clearly don’t know what they’re talking about, and this article explains why.

I think for most people, it’s a given that people can be good or bad people, independantly of their sexual orientation. For example we all know good and bad people who are heterosexual, and good and bad people who are homosexual. It will come as no shock to my readers that good and bad people also exist within the consang population. Just like the rest of you, we experience the best and the worst that life has to offer. We’re really no different.

I’ve encountered literally hundreds of GSA and Non-GSA couples online, and guess what, none of them has gone on a homicidal rampage. Most of them are either happily settled in their relationships, or are struggling with the same issues every regular couple does, and yes, some of us are coping with the extra stress of secrecy. Guess what? That is NORMAL LIFE. What happened with the Pladls is NOT REPRESENTATIVE of consanguinamory, it’s every bit as anomalous to us as it is to regulars.

Look at it another way, if a man shoots his wife and children, do you blame regular relationships, or do you condemn what he did and try to understand why it happened? Of course we all know, we all do the latter. What I’m asking all journalists to do, if they do choose to write about the Pladl tragedy, is to afford us the same respect. Our community do not condone or excuse the terrible actions taken by Steven Pladl, but we will try to understand it.

My point is that killers come from all kinds of backgrounds, and from all sexual orientations. Ones orientation has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with ones ability to kill. This killer was a consang, but he was not a killer BECAUSE he was consang, he was a killer because he was unstable, likely because he was driven to it by condemnation, and legal and media harassment. So before you point the finger, think about what I’ve said today.

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