Our post legalization impact on society

Amongst the various convoluted reasons behind incest remaining illegal is the ridiculous notion that it will in some way cause a kind of social catastrophe in which anarchy prevails and men devolve into savages. The reasoning goes that should the incest taboo be removed, then all sexual acts regardless of their immorality would become fair game. This is not only a form of the slippery slope fallacy, but it is patently absurd in the extreme.

Logic itself would suggest that any sexual act which is harmful in and of itself should always remain illegal, for instance bestiality and pedophilia cause significant harm and thus those acts should remain on the books as sex crimes. No sane person would argue for the legalization of shit like that, nor approve of the suggestion of such. This said, many people falsely associate incest with pedophilia and thus believe that incest in and of itself causes harm. This is ONLY true if one party is underage and thus unable to give informed meaningful consent.

However, incest between consenting adults is a completely different subject, there is no victim here, nor is there any valid reason for banning such relationships. To anyone who suggests that legalizing incest would be bad for society, it would be wise to ask them whether France, Spain, Holland, Japan, China, the Russian Federation, or Rhode Island were dealing with societal disasters as a result of incest being legal there. Of course, those countries are NOT lying in ruins or being overrun with predatory perverts.

So what would our impact be on society if incest was made legal tomorrow? I’d say relatively little, it’s not like we’re much different from anyone else anyway. We’re normal contributing members of society who raise families and like to live life to the full the same as everyone else. So while some might consider us oddballs, we’ve much more in common with regulars than they realize.

The charge that we would fundamentally change the function of the family unit or threaten family cohesion is ridiculous. There is a vast amount of diversity in what we call the modern family to begin with, and we are just one small part of that diversity. There are many things which can disrupt a family unit, most of which are perfectly legal. Take divorce for instance, that certainly upsets the functioning and cohesion of the family unit at least in the short term, but we don’t outlaw divorce because of this.

Also we do not redefine the family roles, we add to existing ones. When people are in incest relationships they are first and foremost family, then they are lovers simultaneously. Contrary to popular belief, this is NOT a contradiction, it’s the way these relationships work.

Furthermore, our way of life is often charged with destroying the traditional family unit. How could we even begin to threaten the family unit? We don’t. If somebody else wants to have the traditional setup, how does their neighbor over the road having an incestuous relationship affect them or prevent them from having what feels right to them? It doesn’t. So no, we aren’t out to destroy the family, we just live a little differently that’s all.

Of course, over time after legalization, there would be a greater amount of tolerance for us, just as their has been for LGBT persons. I doubt we would have much impact on culture, we may have some minor impact in terms of some celebrities coming out or whatever, but that isn’t exactly earth shattering stuff. So even though we may be numerous, I cannot see how giving us equality is going to negatively impact society at all. Doomsday is not going to come on our account.

5 thoughts on “Our post legalization impact on society

  1. Its very true that there exists a huge fear of the impacts that a legalization would have on society.
    Many people also worry that the number of people in these relationships would increase rapidly in a kind of snowball effect. This is of course ridiculous because the Westermarck effect would still be too strong in most people.

    As often mentioned here talking about incest between consenting adults and harmful, disgusting sexual acts like paedophilia in the same breath is crazy and irrational. I also remember reading an article not long ago about a branch of a Swedish political party which wants to legalize incest and(!) necrophilia.

    The media are a problem but sometimes I think they could also help the movement in an indirect way. As you have surely recognized incest is becoming more and more popular in many television series like Game of Thrones for example. In my country there is a soap opera in where a young women had an affair with her father. She didn’t now that it was her father when it happened but it did happen.

    Concerning celebrities i remember a kind of scandal that Angelina Jolie caused when she kissed her brother very passionately in public. Another example I can think about is the model Stephanie Seymour. I find her really attractive and some time ago she caused a bit of a discussion because of these pictures:


    To be honest I find these pictures really beautiful. The only disgusting thing about it is that they were shot by a paparazzi.

    So I think the media, television and celebrities could unintentionally help to make new ideas and lifestyles more acceptable by society.

    Concerning the destruction of families I think that materialism and capitalism are a bigger threat than every relationship between consenting adults could ever be.


    1. You’re absolutely right, the Westermarck effect would keep the rate of incest pretty low, and most people won’t be interested doing it whether it’s legal or not. The only thing that will change is that people who do have such relationships will no longer have to hide from the law and that the ACTUAL rate of incest will be much easier to determine. Just like the rate of homosexuality became determinable once it became legal.

      You’re also right about it being crazy to conflate incest with pedophilia, but sadly that’s exactly what the media does a lot of the time. Pedophilia is rape by very definition, children cannot consent. That said, things are changing, and the media is taking a lot of extra interest in incest. I’ve had A LOT of journalists get in touch with me recently asking me if I can put them in touch with GSA couples for them to do documentaries or articles about them. The media could be an ally, but for now I have to weigh up each journalist individually. I only pass their info along to the community if they promise that people’s identities will remain hidden, even to the journalist. So yes, I think there is potential for the media to be a help rather than a hindrance.

      Those pics… it’s a shame they were taken by the paparazzi 😦 I hate it when they invade people’s privacy. I know celebrities put themselves in the public arena but really they need and deserve SOME level of privacy. Snapping beach pics is just wrong.


  2. That is really good news. Congratulations, your hard work shows results!

    it’s great and crucial that you are acting as an intermediary and take a close look at each journalist. Hidden identities are important and also what kind of documentaries or articles they intend to do. We all know that there is always the danger that they portray you people as freaks or perverts.
    Take care and keep us up to date, Stefan


  3. By the way please don’t take it to heart that most journalists seem only interested in GSA and not in your kind of love. For me there is not much of a difference. Your story is beautiful and definitely worth telling.


    1. I don’t take it personally, to be honest I think it’s understandable, non-GSA is just a tad too taboo for the media for the moment, but at some point that will no longer be the case. GSA is at least highlighting the issues, all of which also apply to non-GSA couples too. As for the journalists, I speak to them and find out as much as I am able to. Some of them want people on camera, and I keep telling them that there is no way a lot of people would be willing to go on-screen about it when incest is illegal. It’s very important we get the stories out, but it’s also very important that people have the security they need in order to share those stories safely. Some never get back to me when I give them my terms for sharing their contact information with the community, and I suspect this is because they are constrained by the regulations of the companies they work for. Freelance journalists are more able to cover the stories on our terms, which is important. I speak to them for a little while so I can gauge their tone, what kind of article they intend to write…etc. So I can greatly minimize the risk of sensationalist articles being produced. Like all things it takes time and effort, but it’s so worth it to have some small influence in how our people are portrayed in the media.

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