Nothing off Limits, my second interview

Well folks, as promised, I did it again, I went back to do a second episode with Michelle to cover the results of the consanguinamory study. We discuss that and a few more things also.

I’ve built up a wonderful rapport with Michelle, and I can tell you that this appearance will not be my last on her show (unless I’m unlucky enough to get hit by a bus or something). She is a true ally and is genuinely fascinated by all that she has learned about us over the last few months. This is a quality that is uncommon in people, and it is wonderful for us to have found such an open minded and intellectually honest independant journalist willing to cover our stories. Just look at what she has to say about haters on her blog, and you’ll see what I mean.

She is a real gem, and my thanks go out to her once more for giving me this platform to speak for us. If you’re reading Michelle, may God bless you because we certainly do 🙂

3 thoughts on “Nothing off Limits, my second interview

  1. The chances of me getting hit by a bus are pretty slim LOL, but I was just trying to illustrate that death can strike anyone at any time, and that nothing short of death will deter me from the task at hand 🙂

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